Privacy Policies

Global Funders has created this privacy policy which is meant to act as a guide for the handling of all the private data and information as stipulated herein and to express the commitment to preservation and protection of the personal details as well as additional information that is submitted to this website. We truly value your privacy rights and as such, we know that it is important to uphold the security and privacy of your data. We employ various data gathering tools which offer accountability, transparency, and available options as far as the management of your personal information is concerned. This privacy policy is created and well-aligned with the applicable laws in many countries where we offer our services. If you choose to register on this site, you fully agree that without any qualification or limitation, all the facts of gathering, using and transmitting any of your information in accordance to the terms laid out in the privacy policy. We, therefore, advise all users to study this document to the tiniest detail and familiarize with any additional actions linked to access and usage of this site and the manner in which this privacy policy affects your overall rights as well as liabilities in the light of the law. If you are not comfortable with or do not accept any practice of this company as well as the laid out terms and conditions which are meant to govern its operations, kindly desist from contacting this company, making any transaction, participate in the registration, or submit your information to this site. however, in the event when you have any pressing queries related to the privacy policy or privacy practices, feel free to contact us by email or using any applicable contact channels found on the website. If you choose to reach out to us, please do so through email.

The information gathered by this website

When you access this site or use the services offered, you may submit your personal information that this company may gather, store and use in accordance with the terms described in this privacy policy. Upon your registration on the website, you submit your personal information which will be collected and used with regard to all the limits stated in the privacy policy. The information gathered includes the personally identifiable information. The fact that all users provide their information freely and voluntary so that you can access the services here, you are at liberty to withhold your PII data if feel that you donít need the services offered here. The PII information may include but in no way limited to first and last names, any contact information, and the date of birth. This company uses your banking details and SSN number to run the necessary searches as well as link you to the appropriate lender but we are reserved when it comes to sharing the data with the third party service providers unless it is necessary in order to help you get a service that youíve requested and in line with the applicable laws and regulations. We may also collect some information which is non-personally identifiable information (NPII)at any time when you are interacting with the website. Basically, we gather and use the NPII data for the purposes of generating and carrying out analyses regarding the usage of the site as well as studying user trends in a bid to make the platform better for our users. Please note that the NPII data may be collected even when you havenít gone through the registration process on this website. The NPII data may encompass but never restricted to: your IP address, the type of browser used, your current operating system, timestamps and the domain names of your ISP, referral pages. We reserve the right to share the NPII details to the third party service providers without prior notice to our users.

Privacy management

We may use several ways to analyze the information you provide in order to make sure that we are offering you personalized offers. Nevertheless, have included the necessary options to help you decide the amount of information you are comfortable to submit in the event where you are not interested in the services offered in this website or communication from this company as well as other third party lenders. If you wish to keep your information from reaching us or the third party providers, you should desist from using or accessing this website, utilize IP masking software, and avoid interacting in any way with the adverts as well as links on this website. Alternatively, you may disable cookies in your browser or remove them from your computer. DO NOT TRACK DISCLOSURE: the standard DO NOT TRACK protocol in this industry is yet to be established and implemented. Therefore, this company uses means of information gathering and management that are in accordance with the terms stipulated in this privacy policy regardless of the various ìDo not Trackî signals sent by most browsers. If you donít want the company to collect and track your online activities, you can choose to unsubscribe from the emailing lists by opting out near the end of the email messages.

The security of your personal information

This company stores all PII in a database that is secured with a high-end security system in an attempt to avert unauthorized access by individuals or programs and we also update our systems when necessary. Besides from the appropriate electronic, physical, and outstanding security management aimed at protecting you, we are committed to using any applicable measure to ensure that you are safe from loss, alteration and inappropriate use of the information in our custody. Your personal information may not be used in the public domain and the overall access is quite limited. Only authorized employees of this company are granted access to PII information and they are obligated to use the information to carryout predefined tasks within our offices in accordance to what you have authorized us. Any staff member who has the clearance to access the PII has sufficiently guaranteed to keep the information private, confidential, and safe. If any of these employees commits an action that is against the privacy and security of the PII data, the employee in question is subject to severe disciplinary measures. Nevertheless, this company does not in any way offer a guarantee that the actions and measures taken are 100% to keep the computers and other technological devices in our system from being compromised and intervened illegally resulting in the theft or alteration of the information in our database. If this happens, this company cannot be held responsible for action and the resulting damage. However, you have the right to request this company to delete your personal information from our database. If the security of the data in our database is compromised, this company will notify you regarding the prevailing status of your PII data in strict observance with the applicable federal laws. In addition, any third party is solely responsible for the security and protection of the PII data in their custody.

Information from minors

We do not collect any kind of information from anyone below the age of 18 years and we advise all parents to maintain constant surveillance of the online activity of children. If by any chance we receive data from persons considered minors by the law, we shall delete the data with immediate effect. Please note that we are compliant to the Childrenís Privacy Protection Act and we do not store neither do we share information from minors.

Third partyís privacy practices and links to other sites

This company may display links to some third-party websites in an attempt to provide relevant information to offer you more convenience and always ensure that we have urged the various third-party providers to implement a privacy policy that is sufficient to protect user information. Nevertheless, take note that third parties are not within our jurisdiction and as such, this company cannot take liability for the practices as well as content displayed on their sites. You therefore acknowledge that all third-party providers have different privacy policies and you agree that you have done all the due diligence to read their terms of use as well as their handling of confidential information before furnishing them with your PII data.

Changes, modifications, and alterations to this privacy policy

This company reserves the irrevocable right to change, remove, or add any part of this privacy policy at our discretion and with no obligation to provide a prior notice. If any changes are implemented on the privacy policy, the various updates will be availed on this page and we shall also indicate the date of the last update. All updates will become effective once uploaded on this page and itís your responsibility to periodically check this document for any update. Your continued use of this website indicates that you have agreed to the changes made in this document.

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